Monday, October 15, 2007

Learning 2.0 - Thing #5 Flickr

Well, I have set up a Flickr account at last and have posted my first photo.

Well, it's actually not MY photo. It belongs to the Frankston library's Local History collection but it is almost 100 years old and we do not know who took it, so it should be copyright free. I find it rather interesting comparing what was there almost 100 years ago and what is there now. Most of the area is now covered with buildings and shops, roads and footpaths. I wonder what will be there in another 100 years?

I can see that Flickr has many possibilities - no wonder the National Library of Australia has linked Flickr to Picture Australia!

Anyway, I'm now moving on to Lesson/Activity #6. I'm already behind, but still pushing on with the lessons.

I finished 2 quilts on my longarm machine this past week. One is a charity quilt, the other is for my mum's 80th birthday. When I have some pictures, I'll post them on Flickr for you all. (For myself really!!!)

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